Mind Matters Network is a youth platform that brings together mental health initiatives so that it reaches both schools and university students at ground level.
Each participating educational institute will be part of the Mind Matters Network which is a Peer Mental Health Group by integrating the Mind Matters programme in their clubs.
The participating institute will be supported by the core committee of the Mind Matters Network in terms of proposed activities, resources, networking and training.
The topic of youth mental health is nothing new, it has been around for a very long time. The irony of the situation though is that a round table discussion on youth mental health would take place without a single youth representative.
For the first time in Malaysia, we are working towards building a youth mental health network spearheaded by youth for youth with youth regardless of their background and institution as a collective voice which operates under the guidance of dedicated professionals.
“Alone we can only do so much but together we can change the youth mental health landscape in our country”
– Sharrada Segaran
Mind Matters Network aims to address and emphasise the importance of youth mental health in Malaysia by creating a youth support system that embodies our motto – “By the Youth, For the Youth, With the Youth”
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Who Are You?
Currently a 3rd year medical student at the Australian National University.
3 Words That Describe You?
Passionate, Hardworking, Kind
One quote you live by:
“What is meant for you will always be yours”
Why Be A Part of Mind Matters?
It is a platform for youth to voice out, be heard and taken seriously. A safe space for like minded people to network and express themselves freely.
More about me: